Temporary Fencing Panels

In Temporary Fencing, Quality = Safety. Are you getting what you pay for?

Published: August 6, 2019
Steve Woods, Co-Founder and Sales Director at TTFS Australia.


Steve Wood

Article Highlights

  • Quality temporary fencing is crucial for safety and security, ensuring people are kept in or out as required, particularly on construction sites and roadworks.
  • Fencing must meet Australian Standards to guarantee stability, durability, and compliance with workplace health and safety regulations.
  • Inferior fencing materials can lead to serious risks, such as broken welds, sharp edges causing injuries, and weak wire making it easier for trespassers to gain access.
  • Cheaper fencing options may result in costly consequences, including project interruptions, legal liabilities, and financial losses from theft or accidents.
  • TTFS guarantees high-quality, tested, and certified temporary fencing, ensuring customers get durable and reliable products without cutting corners.

At TTFS we have been manufacturing high quality temporary fencing for 15 years, and we are known to be the experts in this field. When it comes to security and safety, we can assure you expertise matters! Fencing is used for two purposes – to keep people either in… or out.

Either way it is imperative for the safety of your team and/or the general public that your fencing is secure and doing the job.

Whether you are fencing off a construction site, roadworks or a potential hazard, you don’t want your temporary fencing to fail or break, allowing people onsite or to get cut or injured by broken steel.

Quality must be to Australian Standards

At TTFS we know what is needed to ensure stability and quality in the fencing we manufacture, and to make sure our fencing stands the test of time. We ensure all our temp fence products are tested and certified to Australian Standards. It’s your responsibility to ensure that the temp fencing products you use on site meet those standards as well.

What can go wrong?

In temporary fencing, wire that is too thin can cause the welds to pop easier and cause OH&S issues with people cutting themselves, whether it be team members setting up the fencing or a member of the public when they walk past.

The last thing you want is someone hurting themselves on your watch, not to mention the legal implications of that happening. If the wire is not strong enough there is also a much higher risk of the fence being broken and people easily get onto construction sites, which can cause immense interruption to projects as well as cost blowouts from theft.

You get what you pay for

At the end of the day you will get what you pay for, but you need to know which is the quality product to make the best decision. At TTFS we are the proudly the experts in Temp Fencing and we are also proud to say that we don’t cut corners, so when you buying fencing from us you know it’s the best quality and you are getting what you pay for.

If you’d like to know more about our manufacturing processes and how we can help with your temp fencing needs, give us a call on 1300 119 998.

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