High impact and inexpensive branding to increase exposure on your site

High Impact and Inexpensive Branding to Increase Exposure on Your Site

Published: February 29, 2016
Steve Woods, Co-Founder and Sales Director at TTFS Australia.


Steve Wood

Article Highlights

  • Branding your fencing and barriers maximises site exposure by turning temporary fencing, shade cloth, and crowd control barriers into large-scale advertising spaces that passers-by can’t miss.
  • Custom-branded safety and site information signs enhance professionalism while ensuring compliance, making your site look polished and reinforcing your company’s presence with contact details.
  • Building wraps and façade covers transform construction sites into eye-catching advertisements, showcasing project visuals and branding while keeping unsightly renovations concealed.
  • Equipment branding turns machinery into mobile billboards, ensuring your company’s name is seen on cranes, lifts, and generators as they move between locations.
  • Strategic branding establishes your identity within the community, increasing recognition and generating potential leads by associating your name with high-visibility projects.

In competitive environments like construction, building and civil industries largely dominated by word-of-mouth marketing or advertising, the need for reinforcement of your branding is important. You need to leverage a set yourself apart from competitors, attract new customers, remind potential customers of your brand and generate leads for your business.

Most construction, building and civil sites are exposed to large volumes traffic both on foot and in vehicles, many companies don’t see this as valuable space for advertising a brand. Increasing branding makes your site stand out from the rest and change quality perceptions of customers. If you have paid a marketing company or graphic designer to create a brand that represents your company mission and values, why not use it.

Take ownership of your site, including the cost of branding the site in a project’s budget or speak to your marketing or advertising team to use some of their budgets. You already have space onsite why aren’t you using it?

Check out these cost-effective ways to increase brand exposure on your site.

Brand your fencing and barriers

Perimeters of most construction and building sites are massive and often enclosed completely by temporary fence with shade cloth or banners attached, which is highly visible to passers-by. Your fence is a massive outdoor advertising space – Think about what billboard space this size would cost……

Temp fence and scaffolds are required by law on most sites to be wrapped in banner mesh or shade cloth to assist in controlling dust and debris. Instead of using plain shade cloth rolls, custom printed rolls with your branding may only be slightly more expensive. They make your site look great and put your stamp on it – it really is a cost-effective advertising option.

You are probably using barriers for pedestrian or crowd control or site delineation, these are a prime example of space that can be used to increase branding. You may not be aware that you can also get highly visual covers to put on these too.

Check out our printed solutions page, there is even a facility to upload your logo design to receive a quote.

Brand your site safety and site information signs – signs and banners

As with scaffold net and shade cloth on temp fencing, site information and site safety signs are important and required on most sites by law and local regulations. Many sites only use standard signs and templates with little or no branding. Adding your brand and company details like the website, contact numbers and onsite contacts, not only look great and professional but increase brand exposure and create an eye catching sign to grab the attention of passers-by.

Building wraps or façade covers

Most partially constructed or renovated properties look unpleasant and stand out in the environment they are situated. You may have noticed some façade covers or building wraps in cities around Australia. Many of these use custom printed imagery and are branded with company logos, and are used to cover heritage properties whilst they are being renovated or restored. These are quite popular in Europe for period buildings in historical towns and cities.

Often the façade of the property or an artist’s impression of the complete project is used, along with company branding and information about the organisation conducting the restorations.

Equipment Branding

Equipment and machinery should be viewed as an important part of your brand awareness toolbox. Increase exposure of your brand with a uniform logo, colour scheme and slogan. It makes your equipment and entire company stand out from the competition and demand attention.

Equipment and machinery are often moved around from site to site, making it a moving billboard that’s often parked outside your site, driving around the local area and all locations in-between.

Look at branding equipment and machinery such as cranes, man lifts, scissor lifts and generators. These are often in areas visible to the public and look quite professional. You could look at hanging a custom banner or flag from a crane or piece of access equipment – these can be seen a long distance from your site.

This again familiarises local people with your brand ensuring they associate it to your site. It will increase recognition of your brand and establish your identity in a community, not to mention perhaps generate some leads.

Brand your fences with printed shade cloth and banner mesh, and barriers with barrier signage, your site safety and site information signs or perhaps custom building wraps or façade covers. For more information on our range of custom printed products for your site view our printed solutions page.

Call our friendly sales team on 1300 119 998 or contact us to find out how you can invest inexpensively to increase exposure of your brand on your site. TTFS delivers nationwide and are supported by depots in AdelaideBrisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney.

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